Nesting Boxes

Private spaces for chickens to lay eggs, with appropriate size and number based on your flock.

Perches/Roosting Bars

Elevated areas for chickens to sleep and rest comfortably at night.

Bedding Material

Absorbent material like wood shavings or straw to keep the coop floor clean and dry.


Containers to hold chicken feed, chosen for ease of use and preventing spillage.


Containers to provide fresh, clean water for your chickens. Consider automatic options for convenience.


A system to ensure proper air circulation and prevent moisture build-up inside the coop.


Artificial light source to extend daylight hours during winter and encourage egg production.

Security Measures

Features to protect your chickens from predators, like strong walls, secure doors, and potentially hardware cloth.

Space Requirements

Enough space for your chickens to move around comfortably, with recommendations based on flock size and breed.

Cleaning Supplies

Items like shovels, rakes, and disinfectants to regularly maintain a clean and healthy coop environment.

Explore Our Chicken Coops!